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School Facilities

Starting with the new school year in our Deep Public School

Computer Lab

Well-designed and sepreate computer labs for children.
Run by a well-educated and qualified faculty,
With one-on-one access.

Sports Ground

A specially designed play area.They enjoy out-door games like footboll,hockey,basketball,cricket etc.Special emphasis on physical fitness or health.

Science Lab

School has provied science laboratories dedicated for the disiplines & leading laboratory experiencees teacher.
All lab are designed as per the safety of the student.


Their has own buses.
school bus can accommodate around 50-100 students at once.Every bus has a teacher to ensure proper discipline & safety per student.


Libraries have a wide varity of books and journals.
The school library serves as a learning space for students to do independent work, use commputers etc,

Smart classes

Smart classroom is an EDTech-upgraded classroom that enhances the learning process for students.
By inculcating audio, video, animation, images, multimedia etc.